AVS SmartContract

How AVS SmartContract Works

The AVS SmartContract is a core component of the AVS-SDK, providing a powerful and efficient way to deploy, manage, and interact with smart contracts on Ethereum or other EVM-compatible blockchains. With this class, you can seamlessly compile, deploy, and execute functions in smart contracts from within your application, making it easier to integrate blockchain capabilities into your projects. Below, we’ll break down the features of the AVSSmartContract class and show how you can leverage them in a practical setting.

Importing and Using AVS SmartContract

To start using the AVSSmartContract in your application, you’ll need to import it from the AVS-SDK. Here’s a code sample to show you how:

const AVSSmartContract = require('avs-sdk').AVSSmartContract; // Import AVSSmartContract from avs-sdk

Once imported, you can create an instance of AVSSmartContract, set up your blockchain provider, and deploy or interact with your smart contracts. Let’s dive into the available functions of AVSSmartContract to understand how they work and how you can use them in your project.

AVS SmartContract: Functions and Usage Overview

The AVSSmartContract class within the AVS-SDK provides essential functions for managing smart contracts on the blockchain. Here’s a breakdown of the available functions and how you can use them effectively.

Available Functions

Constructor - AVSSmartContract(contractName, providerUrl)

  • Purpose: Initializes a new instance of AVSSmartContract with a custom name and the blockchain provider URL.

  • Usage: This constructor is the entry point for setting up a new AVSSmartContract instance. The contractName helps identify your contract, while providerUrl specifies the blockchain network you’re connecting to.

  • Example:

    const mySmartContract = new AVSSmartContract('MyContract', 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_ID');

    In this example, mySmartContract represents an instance connected to the specified blockchain provider and is ready for further operations.

Deploy Contract - deploy(contractPath, constructorArgs)

  • Purpose: Deploys a new smart contract to the blockchain using the Solidity source code file.

  • Usage: Use the deploy method to compile and deploy your smart contract. Pass in the path to the contract file and any required constructor arguments.

  • Example:

    (async () => {
        await mySmartContract.deploy('./MyContract.sol', [arg1, arg2]);
  • What to Expect: After running the deploy command, your contract will be compiled, deployed to the blockchain, and you’ll receive a confirmation message with the contract’s address. If there are any errors during deployment (e.g., insufficient gas or incorrect arguments), these will be logged, helping you troubleshoot quickly.

Call Function on Contract - callFunction(functionName, args)

  • Purpose: Calls a function within the deployed smart contract.

  • Usage: Once the contract is deployed, callFunction allows you to invoke read-only functions on the contract, such as view or pure functions. Provide the function name as a string and pass any arguments in an array.

  • Example:

    (async () => {
        const result = await mySmartContract.callFunction('getBalance', [accountAddress]);
        console.log("Balance:", result);
  • What to Expect: When you call a function, it returns the result from the smart contract. This is especially useful for reading data like balances or other stored values. If the contract has not been deployed or the function does not exist, you will receive an informative message.

Putting It All Together

With AVSSmartContract, you can effortlessly deploy and interact with smart contracts in a structured and straightforward way. Here’s an example workflow to illustrate the lifecycle of a contract:

const AVSSmartContract = require('avs-sdk').AVSSmartContract;

const myContract = new AVSSmartContract('TokenContract', 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_ID');

async function manageSmartContract() {
    await myContract.deploy('./TokenContract.sol', ['TokenName', 'TKN']); // Deploys the contract
    const balance = await myContract.callFunction('balanceOf', ['0xYourAccountAddress']); // Calls a function to get balance
    console.log('Balance:', balance); // Outputs the result

Summary of Functionality

  • AVSSmartContract(contractName, providerUrl): Initializes a smart contract instance connected to the specified blockchain.

  • deploy(contractPath, constructorArgs): Deploys a smart contract from a Solidity source file, with a confirmation message of its deployed address.

  • callFunction(functionName, args): Invokes a read-only function on the deployed contract, returning the output for data retrieval.

The AVS SmartContract class is designed to simplify blockchain integration, making smart contract management accessible and efficient for any developer looking to incorporate blockchain functionality into their projects.

Last updated